With just over a month to go, the official launch for the IIHF Women’s World Championship Division I Group B took place at Dumfries Ice Bowl.

GB will face Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Korea and Slovenia in Dumfries from 9th to 15th April, with the winners being promoted to the second tier.

Henry Staelens, Ice Hockey UK CEO, said: “We’re delighted to host the Women’s World Championship Division I Group B on home ice.

“This is a pivotal time for GB Women’s ice hockey as we look to progress even further over the coming years in the lead up to 2030 Olympic Games.

“Thanks to all at Dumfries and Galloway Council and Dumfries Ice Bowl for their support in bringing the event to life as always.” 

Councillor Maureen Johnstone, Chair of the Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Education, Skills and Community Wellbeing Committee, said: “The council has continuously invested in the Ice Bowl and our winter sports programmes.

“This is the 10th Ice Hockey World Championship to be based here in little over a decade and fully justifies this support.

“On the cusp of International Women’s Day, I’m genuinely thrilled that dozens of women who have reached the pinnacle of their sports careers through selection for their national teams will be coming to Dumfries this April.”

Councillor Lynne Davis, the Vice-Chair of the council’s Education, Skills and Community Wellbeing Committee, said: “It will be great to welcome our national women’s ice hockey team and so many international visitors from the five competing nations to Dumfries and Galloway in April.

“This is the first time in a generation that our region will host one of our full national teams in one of our most popular sports.

“The tournament will be beneficial economically too, with the teams arriving in Dumfries and Galloway four or five days before the World Championship starts to have the best training and practice possible to be prepared for the 9th of April.”

The council and Ice Hockey UK will be putting on lots of entertainment during the World Championship, including female DJs playing sets before the Great Britain matches on Thursday 9th, Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th April.

“The tournament will showcase the many opportunities for women to get into sport through the council’s leisure and sports programmes.”

Tickets can be bought on the day at the Ice Bowl or in advance online by clicking here.

The council is encouraging youth and community groups to attend one or more Great Britain matches. For details please email events@dumgal.gov.uk.

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